Understanding Tenancy Deposit Disputes

Understanding Tenancy Deposit Disputes: Detailed Documentation is Key

A little information goes a long way when it comes to tenancy deposits. Debbie Davies, Head of Sales and Client Success at TDS, emphasizes that detailed documentation throughout the tenancy process is crucial for avoiding disputes. Here’s how to ensure you're covered.

The Importance of Detail

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) often sees cases where tenants agree to deposit deductions after being fully explained. However, disputes arise when tenants lack all the necessary details. The key to avoiding these disputes is thorough documentation from the beginning of the tenancy to the end.

Capture a Detailed Report at Check-In

Starting with a detailed check-in report is essential. This goes beyond general cleanliness; note whether the property has been professionally cleaned, recently decorated, or has any noticeable odours, surface markings, or exterior conditions. Without detailed notes and dated photographs, proving changes in condition at the end of the tenancy becomes challenging. Tools like the Inventory Hive app can be invaluable, providing checklists and reminders to ensure no detail is missed.

Document Changes During the Tenancy

Documenting changes throughout the tenancy is equally important. If a landlord agrees to a tenant painting a wall, document the agreed colour, application standard, and whether the tenant must revert it to the original colour. Specific details like these make the end-of-tenancy process smoother and more transparent.

Conduct a Thorough Check-Out Inspection

Just as at check-in, conducting a detailed check-out inspection is crucial. Use dated and annotated photographs to support any notes. Platforms like The Depositary can streamline this process, ensuring you capture all necessary details efficiently.

Handling Deposit Deductions

If the property isn't returned in the expected condition (accounting for wear and tear), deductions may be necessary. Clearly explaining these deductions to tenants is critical. The TDS deposit deductions template is a useful tool for outlining proposed deductions, helping to avoid misunderstandings.

Providing tenants with guides on their responsibilities, wear and tear, and product lifespans can also clarify why deductions are made, reducing the likelihood of disputes.

Presenting Evidence in a Deposit Dispute

If a dispute arises, presenting clear evidence to the adjudicator is vital. Following best practices in inspection and inventory reporting will enable you to upload comprehensive evidence to the TDS portal. Supporting documents like quotes and receipts for remedial work further strengthen your case.

TDS Case Study

A case study from TDS highlights the importance of clear information and documentation in resolving deposit disputes. An agent's claim for cleaning, gardening, and a damaged armchair was initially challenged by the tenants due to a lack of explanation. By using the TDS Deposit Deductions Template and providing detailed evidence, including check-in and check-out reports, invoices, and estimates, the agent successfully resolved the dispute.

The tenants were given ten working days to respond to the evidence, during which they reviewed the documentation and TDS product lifespan guide. Without further challenge from the tenants, the adjudicator awarded the claimed amounts to the agent and landlord.


Thorough documentation at every stage of the tenancy deposit process—from check-in to check-out and handling deductions—can prevent disputes and ensure a smooth experience for both landlords and tenants. By investing time in detailed record-keeping, you can protect yourself and provide clarity, reducing the chances of misunderstandings and disagreements.

For more tips on managing tenancy deposits, check out these useful resources and consider using tools like Inventory Hive and The Depositary.

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